Sunday, June 26, 2016

5Elements: Earth Yoga Flow Class

5Elements Earth Flow is a grounding, hip-opening practice which emphasizes stability and strength through a steady and strong flowing sequence.  Strength is cultivated through a series of slow salutations (namaskars) and standing and supine hip-opening postures.  5Elements Earth Flow is for all levels of students that with to move through a slow deep vinyasa practice; ending with a restorative savasana and a longer period of meditation.

Students attracted to the 5Elements Earth Flow are typically interested in this sequence because:

  • They would like a slow and safe, but strong practice
  • They have been to one too many fast, vigorous, hot classes and perhaps have injured themselves in fast, loud classes.
  • They do not want/need a basic flow class, and also do not want/need a vigorous class, they would like something in between.
  • They are kapha dosha and enjoy routine, stability, slow activities and meditation.
5Elements Earth Flow is going to be taught on the beach starting in the fall.  

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The 5 Elements: Water Flow Yoga

Panchamahabhutus is Sanskrit for the 5 Great Elements of Nature.  They are:

  • Water
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Air
  • Space
Each of these elements have their own qualities and characteristics.  They also have a set of asanas (yoga poses).  We will explore each of them.  Today we will start with the Water Element.

The 5Elements Water Flow is a rejuvenating practice.  It is appropriate for all levels.  There is a soft, fluid, and cooling quality as we move through this routine.  The Bhava (mood) is feminine, lunar, and smooth.  The routine will activate your 2nd  and 4th Chakras.  The 2nd Chakra is located in the lower abdomen and we will be performing some poses to work those muscles.  The 4th Chakra, also know as the Anahata Chakra, is located at the heart.  We will be stretching the chest muscles to open the heart.  We will also be performing an Anahata Namaskar.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ayurveda: the Sister Science of Yoga

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that literally means "ayur" life "veda" knowledge.  It originates from India and focuses balancing the mind body connection to bring health to ones body.

In Ayurveda, each of us has a dosha, this is our constitutional make up.  We may have one (or more) dosha(s) for our mind and another for our body.  There are many tests online that you can take to discover your dosha.  Here is a link to one dosha quiz.  Basically, there are three different doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha.

Vata leads the other doshas.  Usually, vata will go out of balance before the others.  It controls all movement in the body.  People with high vata dosha tend to be thin and have difficulty gaining weight.  As a result, they can wear themselves out and need to make sure they have sufficient rest.  Maintaining a regular routine can help with this. They also tend to feel cold so they should make sure they are warm and comfortable.  

Pitta is characterized by fire and usually feel warm.  They need to keep an eye on their temper.  They usually are ambitious and have a decent amount of energy.  In order for them to sleep well, they should maintain a regular bedtime routine which allows them to unwind in the evening.

Kapha dosha controls the moist tissues of the body.  They have a sturdy frame with a healthy reserve of strength and stamina.  They tend to have a positive outlook on life.  They do need stimulation to bring out their vitality.

Once you know what your dosha, then you can work with balancing it.  There are different ways to balance one's dosha.  One way is thru the practice of yoga.  This is where the 5 Elements come in.  We're be exploring the 5 Elements in my next blog.